What are Veneers? Everything You Should Know!

Veneers are a frequent dental procedure for improving the appearance of your teeth. They are made of porcelain or composite resin (substances) and cover the front surface of your teeth. They can brighten and whiten your teeth. 

Those looking for Veneer in Nashville and other cities should know it is a dental procedure that allows dental patients to have straight teeth much sooner. It's worth investing in your smile when it comes to your first impression. Keep reading about veneers.

Solve Different Dental Issues

Dental veneers can be used to repair chipped, crooked, worn down, or damaged teeth. They can also be used to fix uneven spacing of teeth that have large gaps, enhance tooth color, and brighten your smile.  They'll conceal any imperfections after they're glued on, making them seem more natural and appealing.

Types of Veneer

There are two different types of veneer: porcelain and composite. 

Porcelain Veneers: These are comparable to artificial nails. Like, they are measured and glued onto the tooth's surface. The application of porcelain veneers requires two sessions to complete and create the ideal smile for you. For those who have several dental issues like cracks, or discoloration, porcelain is the best choice.

Composite Veneers: These composite veneers are put directly to the teeth and the greatest thing is that they can be done in one session, allowing you to have a stunning smile in no time.

Do They Shave your Teeth?

Yes, your teeth need to be shaved down during the veneer prep step, but it depends on your case. For example, if you have huge, pale, crooked teeth, your dentist can almost certainly have to shave them down to get the desired look. However, if you have small teeth or gaps between them, you won't need as much preparation or shaving.

A smile makes everything good and everyone more attractive, and how you want your smile and teeth to appear is entirely up to you. Make things better for your face by choosing the right veneers with this ultimate guide.

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