How Dentists Heal TMJ?

The Temporomandibular Joint or TMJ connects the small bones with the jaw in your skull. The joint is in the front of every ear and aids in moving your jaw. It helps you talk, chew, and yawn. Several issues occur with this joint. The number of muscle problems controls it, and the jaw is Temporomandibular Joint disorder (TMJ). Seeking a cosmetic dentist in Nashville is a must. How Does it Occur? There is no particular cause of TMJ, but a jaw problem could end up with this issue. It is true when it impacts the muscles that control the joint. Some significant problems include heavy blows to the head, whiplash, or injuries. Other causes of TMJ are- Disc movement between the socket and ball of the joint Grinding or clenching your teeth as you sleep Stress causes you to tighten your face or clench your teeth Arthritis in the temporomandibular joint How Can a Dentist Help? A Nashville dentist begins by discussing your symptoms and analyzing your jaw to get a diagnosis. They might feel your j...